Competitive Exams

Competitive Exams

Competitive Exams provide in depth knowledge about different subjects and also helps students in choosing subjects of their choice. The students can identify if they have interest and ability to excel in a subject. It also helps in making the right career choice in the long run.some of the competitive exams we prepare our students for are :


Sr. No. Name of the Competitive Exam Subjects Standard Month Of Exam Name of Organisation
1. Middle School Scholarship Exam English, IT, Maths , Marathi V February Maharashtra State Council of examinations Pune
2. High School Scholarship Exam English, IT, Maths , Marathi VIII February Maharashtra State Council of examinations Pune
3. NELTAS English V to IX November NELTAS
4 Maths Ability Test Maths VII Last Saturday of July Brihanmumbai Ganit Adhyapak Mandal
5. Maths Concept Exam Maths V and VIII Last Saturday of July Brihanmumbai Ganit Adhyapak Mandal
6. Ganit Prabhutva exam Maths VIII December Brihanmumbai Ganit Adhyapak Mandal
7. National Talent Search Scheme MAT, SAT X First Saturday of November State Level : SSC Board
National Level :
8. Dr. Homi Bhabha Balvaidyanik Exam Science VI and IX October The Mumbai Science Teachers Association
9. Hindi Rashtrabhasha Exam Hindi V and VI Last Saturday Of September Maharashtra Rashtrabhasha Sabha , Pune
10. Mathematic Olympiad Maths VIII, IX, X January The Mathematics association of IIT Bombay

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